Equate sleep aid is an over the counter medication used to bring relief of chronic insomnia.
It contains the active ingredient diphenhydramine HCL, which has a sedative effect that can help make it easier for individuals with insomnia to fall asleep. As with any over the counter or prescription sleep aid there can be serious side effects so you should always consult your doctor before starting to take Equate.
Because this is a sedative medication, it is not recommended for moderate cases of insomnia but rather should be reserved for those whose insomnia doesn’t easily respond to other methods of treatment. It should be taken only at bedtime, usually within about 30 minutes of going to bed, and you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages while using it.

Though it can be quite effective, Equate sleep aid may have some negative interactions with certain medications and it is not recommended for use in individuals with other health issues, particularly asthma and other chronic breathing disorders. Also, individuals with glaucoma or who have trouble urinating due to an enlarged prostate gland should not take Equate.
The usual dosage for adults and children over 12 is one tablet daily, taken about 30 minutes before bedtime. This is usually more than enough to induce a state of relaxation and help to ease you into a restful sleep. There may be some serious side effects, though most side effects are not serious and are generally short lived.
Side Effects Of Equate Sleep Aid
The most common side effects reported with Equate include muscleweakness, sedation, dizziness, impaired coordination, drowsiness, headache, dry mouth, nose, or throat, and thick nasal discharge.
As with any sedative medication, you should not try to operate heavy machinery, drive or engage in any dangerous activity while using Equate. This is why most doctors recommend taking this medication only when going to bed.
This particular sleep aid belongs to a class of drugs that include sedatives, hypnotics and miscellaneous anxiolytics, all drugs that are designed to relieve the symptoms of anxiety by working on the central nervous system to induce a state of relaxation.
Because anxiety can often lead directly to chronic insomnia, treating the symptoms of one condition can lead to improvement in the other.

Most people say about Equate sleep aid
Most individuals who use Equate sleep aid have noted that it helps them to fall asleep without the horrible “hangover” effect caused by many sleep aids. This has made it a popular choice among those suffering from anxiety and related insomnia. It seems to be a more gentle, yet effective solution for those who have regular issues relaxing and falling asleep at night. This can come as a great relief if you have insomnia but are concerned about the possible dangers of using powerful, and potentially addictive, prescription medications.
If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from chronic insomnia, you may want to talk to your doctor about the possibility of using Equate sleep aid. There is no reason to let insomnia ruin your life when relief is near at hand. Talk to your doctor today and find out if Equate is what you need to help you get a restful night’s sleep.