If you’ve wondered how to lucid dream you are not alone. Many people have a great interest in dreaming and understanding their dreams better. In lucid dreaming, you are actually aware that you are dreaming and remember and retain things that you experience during a dream.
There are actually several levels of lucidity which can be experienced. In the highest level, you are fully aware that you are dreaming and nothing around you is real and you can actually control what is going on around you. In lower levels of lucidity, you may not be aware that you are dreaming even if you are aware that the things happening around you are not realistic. Lucid dreams can come in any of these forms and the level of lucidity you are able to achieve is only limited by practice.
The answer to how to lucid dream is also bound by practice. The more you can train your mind to be aware of your dream state and avoid waking you up when you become aware, the better your chances of achieving successful lucidity. This training can take several forms, from doing reality checks while you are awake in order to get you used to doing the same thing while dreaming to writing down what you do remember of your dreams in a dream journal.

Rebecca Turner, offers an in-depth program if you are serious about learning how to lucid dream. You can try The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track – RISK FREE here.
Of course, one of the main questions most people have about lucid dreams is why would you want to have them? That answer can also be varied. Some people just enjoy the heightened sense of fantasy and adventure they can bring about; others feel that they can enhance their own imagination and creativity through their dreams. Still others use the experience to relieve nightmares by actively facing whatever is causing their fears in their dreams.
When you consider how to lucid dream, you also want to consider what your reason for lucid dreaming is. If you are seeking to confront a fear or trying to use your dream to help you prepare for a stressful event in real life like giving a speech, you’ll want to take specific steps to help you achieve lucidity and allow you to recognize when you have achieved it. This can be done by using certain items like an alarm clock or even the palm of your hand to focus on.
If you are using lucid dreams to help you heal, whether from a physical or psychological ailment, you might want to employ meditation techniques or binaural beats to help you achieve a deeper but more relaxed dream state. For example, The Unexplainable Store features a popular MP3 audio specifically designed to improve your lucid dreaming success rate by using the audio brainwave entrainment technology known as “binaural beats”.
Many people have reported great success in using lucid dreaming to overcome everything from stroke and sensory loss to speeding up recovery from injury or illness.
The key to figuring out how to lucid dream is training your mind to be aware of your current state of consciousness. The more you can do that, the easier it will be for you to become aware of your dream state and actually take control of your actions while you are dreaming. Dream training can be as easy as repeating “Am I dreaming?” while you are awake, in order to trigger the same reaction when you are asleep.
If you can manage to enter into a feeling of lucidity while you are dreaming, the possibilities are truly endless. They are your dreams and you can literally take them anywhere you want to go. It can be an extremely freeing, even empowering, experience, so if you have thought about trying it, then don’t hesitate. Take charge of your sleep and you can make your dreams work for you.

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What’s The Best Lucid Dream You’ve Had?
What was your best lucid dream ever? What fantasy did you fulfill? How were you able to get into the lucid dream? Share your experience…
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Best Lucid Dream Experiences
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