Everything around us as well as within us is interrelated. So before checking our ways to tackle sleeplessness, just take a look at the physical conditions below. See if you are having any of them. Quality and duration of sleep gets affected if you have medical problems like cardiovascular, neurological, mental, kidney, gastroesopheal disorders or arthritis which can all be causes of insomnia.
Heart Conditions
Coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure are two common disorders that cause sleeplessness. Both conditions lead to abnormal pauses in breathing or Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). For those who suffer from coronary heart diseases, a condition called atherosclerosis is developed due to the fatty deposits in the arteries. Meanwhile, the inability to pump enough blood to support the bodily needs is caused by congestive heart failure and this condition adds to the blood accumulation in the veins and kidneys. Finally it causes fluid collection in tissues or edema which in turn damages the organs. Cumulatively, these symptoms can be significant causes for insomnia.
Diabetes & Thyroid Disorders
Common conditions like diabetes and thyroid disorders caused by endocrine malfunctions can also be causes of insomnia. Diabetes patients suffer from restless leg syndrome if their sugar level is not managed properly. The diabetic condition disturbs the normal means of storage and use of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the body. Hormonal imbalance caused by thyroid malfunction affects the energy levels of the body. Thus victims of hyperthyroidism profusely sweat at night and suffer from sleep interruptions.
Neurological Ailments
Sleep gets affected in those who suffer from neurological ailments like Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease. Besides insomnia, Parkinson’s disease affects the central nervous system and causes Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD). RBD is characterized by the dreamer acting out his or her dreams and can result in injuries to oneself or one’s bed partner. Alzheimer’s patients suffer from fragmented sleep. Those suffering from stroke undergo obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Breathing Disorders
Common respiratory disorders like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma contribute to sleep disorders and sleep fragmentation. Sleep is affected in asthma patients as they feel difficulty in their air passage while breathing. COPD is a group of respiratory disorders that damages the lungs and leads to breathing difficulties.
Mental Problems
Psychological disorders like anxiety, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, depression, and schizophrenia contribute to insomnia and sleep fragmentation. Racing thoughts brought on by stress and worry are also causes of insomnia. Stress brought on by tramatic events, loss of a loved one, job loss or workplace bullying (for example) can make sleep difficult.
Gastroenterological Disorders
For persons who suffer from a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD are likely to have sleep fragmentation. This is due to the backward flow of certain liquid in the stomach towards the esophagus. This can cause difficulty falling asleep as well as frequent awakening as this condition can be very uncomfortable.
Kidney Failure
Persons with chronic kidney disease suffer from insomnia and restless leg syndrome. The blood gets contaminated with waste substances as kidney fail to properly filter them. Of course, there can be many complications with this condition that can also be causes for insomnia.
Symptoms of Arthritis
When it comes to arthritis the causes of insomnia are not a mystery. Lack of sleep in arthritics patients is due to the intense pain associated with the disease.
There are many, many other conditions that contribute to insomnia, but this list is to get you thinking about what factors may be causes for insomnia in your case. So in your quest for a goodnight’s sleep first treat the medical condition you are suffering from, which is normally the root cause of your sleeplessness. If it is taken care of, sleep just follows the natural way.

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